You don’t define ‪#‎withoutlimits‬ with words, you define it with actions and doing what you say you are going to do. Last May of 12565611_1283753884983798_6029469142105454860_n
2015, Shawn Wellersdick was getting 7 weeks of Chemo and Radiation. Today he runs a PR of 3:10:59 and is going to BOSTON! We are all proud of you Shawn!


Charleston was a pretty cool weekend seeing Wilmington, Charleston and Greenville come together in one place! Thank you all for wearing your WOL gear!  It was, unfortunately, head winds as usual in CHS:) but some still got PRs


Coach Tom had his first race back from Pneumonia with a 2nd overall finish 1:11:55.  Good start to Boston training.  Tim Nichols is in the heart of QWBM training and clocked a 1:22 marathon pace run.



A huge shout out to WOL athletes  Andrew McIver ran a great race placing 5th OA and winning his AG. Shawn Tunis had a 5Charleston Weekend min PR and Brooks Wester Smith had a super solid race! Way to go all the way around. Congrats to all WOL racing this morning!



Also Patrick Horning had a great trail race at the Little River 10 miler. First race back after taking some time off. Tanya Martin Horning was in full force as well 2 day out from a Chemo treatment! Amazing.


Mark Austin and Christie Tucker ran their marathon paces as “practice” tune ups for upcoming marathons and nailed it!!! Chad Towne and Wild Billy Loyd had 5 minute PR’s, while Ryan Redd say sub 2 again. Lindsey Hess had a solid day and I can only guess she smiled the entire way!  



Pam Dieffenbauch had a huge Personal Best and was all HUGS at the finish line!  Way to break 2 hours with a 1:58:18! Mary Margaret and Stephanie Crews also finished the half, congrats ladies!  



Kelli Kerkhoff ran another sub 4 hour marathon coming off her IM.  Way to go Kelli such a strong runner and gearing up for her first ultra in just a few weeks!12525360_10208554379755663_3909702511225697257_o



Huge congrats to Jennie Mott for her 10 minute PR  at her 10K race a few weeks back.  Keep on improving girl.

Anthony Enoch heads back to his favorite race, Carlsbad half representing a good cause with Team Hoyt.  Keep running and congrats on yet another half!


Allie is progressing on the track with a 5:29 mile and 11:07 3K.  As she races her times will continue to drop with her strength!IMG_1854


The Disney Magic never disappoints as Michelle Hackman ran a 12+ minute PR at the Half Marathon.   Doing so much for others, it was her turn and what a great day.  Colin Hackman is training for the New Orleans full and pulled off a 1:22 half at Disney.  Congrats to Jeremy and Julie in Disney as Jeremy is training for QWB FULL!



Brian Eber completed is first ever marathon at Disney and Pam Keenan proved she is mentally and physically strong battling a tough day, but finding the finish.  It is that grit and determination that signifies Without Limits.  Way to go Disney Rockstars!  




Coach Brian ran a 50k in Georgia Sweetwater state park. It was hilly and challenging both physically and mentally. Hills, mud and single track fun made for a great day! It reminded him that like life sometimes you have to just keep moving forward and working hard (even when you don’t feel like it) and you can achieve things IMG_1853that seem too big in the moment. Brian Finished 9th overall.


Congrats to Judy Williams for completing the Key West half marathon – Wild weather made the destination memorable for sure!  Congrats Judy!!  Hope you enjoyed the adventure!


Training paces are getting more manageable and improving for Level 1 runners who are preparing for Spring Goals.  Whether it’s a race or a personal goal, their consistency will pay off in the upcoming months.  A little cold weather doesn’t stop them from attending practice and giving it their best.  True WithoutLimits in ACTION!


Ashley Frank is back!!  After a long hiatus from running due to injury, WithoutLimits is thrilled to see her back at practice with her husband Nick.  By the way, their mid-week date night consisting of a run practice and 12510343_624978007640747_2163822222548365405_ndinner is exactly what I am thinking every couple needs!!


Welcome to WithoutLimits Audra Heins!  Glad to have you in Level 1!!  


Click on Coach Brian below to check out his latest video on how to do a SPIDERMAN PUSHUP! Master it


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