Boston Marathon: Boston brought similar conditions to the warm conditions of 2012. Even though it wasn’t nearly that hot, it was dry and the sun was beating down on the runners along with a nice head wind. That made for some tough conditions for our athletes Monday.

Phillip Davis and Erin Hogston had the 2 best races. Phillip PRed and Erin came off a 2:57 marathon 4 weeks ago at Quintiles, still pulled off a 3:10 and was top 200 women in the race! Team sponsor Michelle Fogle from Fleet Feet sports also had a PR peformance of 3:15. Great job to you 3 for such great efforts on a tough day.

Congrats to Coach Tom and Tay Filer for getting to the line after dehydration and a high heart rate. Sometimes you have to have a tough race in order to grow through experiences.
Great finishes by Doug Wheeler, Jeff Roseborough, Cameron Simmons, Ryan Hilton, Brittany Perkins, Taryn Worst, Angie Sekely, Shelley Malloy, Becky Filer a first time marathon finisher running for Dana Farber and Joanne Harcke

Congrats to the entire Wilmington squad for their qualifications at Boston. Several runners from our area got together and took a great picture on Sunday morning.


We loved Becky Filer’s Post about her race experience.  This was a snippet of what she said about Without Limits:

To Tom Clifford – I apologize. I will not be starting a company called With Limits. You were right and I was wrong. (And thats a big deal. Ask Tay. I’m never wrong.) I AM Without Limits. I was sure that didn’t apply to me. I thought it was just for “those” people. The people who like to run. Who are “good” at running. Who’ve been running forever. Who run fast. Who LIKE running. I was wrong. Everyone and Anyone can be Without Limits. It’s a matter of believing in yourself and doing the work to get where you want go. It’s a mindset. Its about taking risks and not making excuses. Its about confidence. It’s about baby steps. Its about failing and then trying again. And again. And again. Its about good days and bad days. And it’s not easy! If I can do this, anyone can do it. Thank you for believing in me. I have repeated – Trust The Training – over and over and over again. And thank you for checking on me.
To Sami – You helped me get ready. I could not have done this without your guidance and preparation. You knew the course and you knew what I needed to do to be prepared. You made me strong. And you had confidence in me from the beginning. You called me out for being self-deprecating and for comparing myself to other runners. Thank you. I needed all of that. Everyone, call Sami. She’s a rockstar coach.

Swim Miami 5K
Ilene Schnall

Salt Lake City Half Marathon
Sue Bark

Ocean Isle Half Marathon
Brian Eber: PR!!
Anthony Enoch

Eddie Buchanan took 1st place in AG in both the Parade Mile (5:58) and Oak Island 5K (21:40).  Awesome job Fast Eddie.

Charleston Half Ironman
Ren Rotondo: Lived to race another day
Steve White: a solid “no tech” training day. Yep, he did it all without technology and had a ball
Erin Jackson: 3rd AG
Andy McVey: Got a good finish in prep for Vineman FUll IM in July.

Charleston Half Aquabike
Lindsey Hess: 2nd OA Female
Susan Shafer: Going for the gusto and adding an extra 5 miles (she had some direction difficulty)
Ryan Red: Her longest ride ever!

Charleston Sprint
Mark Austin: 2nd AG
Lori Drake: 3rd AG
Renee Griffen -2nd AG

Granite Falls Sprint:
Patrick Horning: 4th AG in a great fir tri of the season, and after coming back from an injury.

North Face Endurance Challenge
Coach Brian: Celebrating his first 50 miler and it may not be his last 🙂
Coach Kristen: Finishes her first 50K!
Eileen Gonzalez: Half marathon finisher
Marla Engrahm” Half marathon finisher

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Paws4people 5k
Shawn Tunis: 21:45 2nd OA Female, got her sub 22:00.

Chickamauga Park 5K
Mary Jo Barbaretta : 2nd in AG.

Charleston Bridge Run
Mark Austin
Lindsey Hess
Matt Taylor
Tim Gill

Congrats to our entire team, especially Doug Wheeler on the Coastal 10 miler and 4 miler. Shawn W. had his first road race win in the 4 miler and it was awesome to see so much support from WOL for Victory Junction and Doug Wheeler!


The inaugural Tinted Turtle Trot at Carolina Beach was a hit with Fred Altman and Ashley Frank!

Get Well Wishes: Shay Hutchings, Jeremy Reynolds, Alecia Williams, Russ May, Kelli Curbo

Fred Altman will be missed in the Level 1 group as he transitions to a new job out of town. Hope to see you on the weekends Fred! Congrats!

Congratulations to Jen Spanner: SHE’S GETTING MARRIED THIS WEEKEND


Thank You 2016 Endurance Team Sponsors!

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