Kudos to the WalktoRunners!

Who remembers their first attempt to run a mile? What about a 5k or even a marathon? For most, the hardest part is building up to the first few miles. The beginning weeks and months are so difficult, and the simple things we now take for granted (breathing rhythm or side stitches) are major obstacles! Some may have started running at such an early age that they don’t recall the struggle of ‘learning’ to run. But, surely they have had to master some activity out of their comfort zone. We all know the struggle of practicing, stumbling, and then the enjoyment of mastery. That enjoyment comes from knowing we persevered when it wasn’t easy. The accomplishment drives us to continue and push harder.

Working with the WalktoRun group over the past 6 months has been so rewarding. The first night of practice, we didn’t even leave the TrySports field. A 1:1 interval of walking and running kept them challenged for 20 minutes. Every beginner has different struggles, but they are slowly building up their mileage over months of drills, core work, running intervals, and stretching. Not only is it a joy to see them succeed in races, but at every practice their form is improving and the confidence to try harder is evident. Some are running to lose weight and stay fit, while others are now committed to their first HALF MARATHON next spring- Wrightsville Beach Half, here we come!

So, great job to all the beginners who have the courage to RUN! Your stories help motivate all of us! As I watch the runners finish races in the back of the pack, it takes me back to my own struggle of finishing 3 miles. I am humbled when I see the 5 hour marathoner come through the finish. When was the last time I ran for 5 hours? THAT is some spirit!! That’s what running is all about. The spirit of perseverance. Let’s
keep encouraging each other to finish the race and never forget how difficult the first few miles can be.